A bunch of designers are collaborating together as a big team to help the same cause. They will give some of their proceeds to a charity called (MASFD) The charity’s goal is to raise money for medical research. They will relay each other, each month, to release new knitting patterns for you. That way, they give you the opportunity to help the charity through knitting, a small but indispensable gesture to fight an incurable disease.
Fibrous Dysplasia is a rare genetic disorder without any treatment, due to a lack of research. This disease induce severe and chronic pain, deformity and an extreme fragility of bones that could lead to disabilities. Everybody could have this disease as it’s not hereditary.
The supportive Skein is a not a charity. It's an operation launched by MASFD charity "MASFD" that focus on raising money for medical research
Total des dons depuis février 2018
Some participants decided to continue giving to the challenge, here they are :
See the full review about 'l’Echeveau Solidaire' (in french) here.
Gaia is the daughter of Lili, a french knitter who lives in Burgundy. You can have a look at her blog here : The Banyan tree.
Gaia has a rare disease called Mc Cune Albright Syndrome, which few of the numerous symptoms are Fibrous Dysplasia, hormonal issues like precocious puberty and cafe au lait spots. She has a severe form of the syndrome, she has already 4 surgeries and spent months in a cast from head to pelvis.
Lili hopes Gaia could walk one day, go to school or simply lives her childhood happily. She’s ready to everything to help her daughter, that’s why she founded the MAS-FD « Fight Fibrous Dysplasia » charity « MASFD : Vaincre la Dysplasie Fibreuse » in order to find a solution to this desease.
'The supportive Skein' is the first operation from MASFD.
Let’s help her fight Mc Cune Albright Syndrome !
Let’s go to the charity’s website
DonateUse this hashtag to show your knitting projects : #echeveausolidaire
Let's make of this knitting world a place for kindness